With the wonderful support from friends, family, The St. Marys United Methodist Church Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hudson, Mrs. Eloise Bailey-Thompson and the wonderful community that we live it, we raised over $350,000.00 to build Camden Miracle Field!
We still need your help! Each season, we need to purchase equipment, uniforms, insurance, trophies, maintenance, and improvements!
The Children Are Counting On Your Support!
If you can find it in your heart to help these wonderful kids, please send your kind donation to:
Camden Miracle Field P. O. Box 37 Kingsland, GA 31548-5747
The Miracle League of Camden County is a #501 (c)(3) public charity non-profit organization.
Your contribution is tax deductible!
There are NO administration fees and all of our workers/staff are volunteers!
100% of your contribution will go toward these deserving children playing baseball and having fun!
Donations can be also made securely by using this “Donate” button through PayPal: